Photo Session FAQ: What do I do with my hands?
What do I do with my hands? It’s a question I get every single time I do a portrait. And it’s such a valid question.
Some people are more comfortable than others being in front of a camera, but I would venture to say that the average bear is not! I’m certainly not. And in most portrait situations, there’s a moment when you realize your hands feel awkward. That’s where I come in. I try to recognize the moment before you say it, but every now and then I’m not fast enough. I’m paying attention to the light or I’m getting my settings in the right place and you’re there feeling, well, awkward. So the next time you find yourself front of a camera, here are five basic things to do with your hands.
Play with your hair. People often feel a little funny when I tell them to do this, but depending on how your hair is styled, there are a number of different looks we can achieve. This pose takes a little bit of repetition, but the result is often natural and light. Twirl your air, put it behind your ears, grab your braid, or run you hands over your hair.
Put them behind your back. If you don’t have pockets or it feels weird to put your hands on your hips, you can always fold them softly behind you. I’ll work on the right angle to make you look flattering from this position.
Make an “L” or rest one hand lightly on your chin. I promise it will look better than a school picture. Move your arms into an “L” position with one hand up near your face and the other across your abdomen, holding up your elbow. This pose can look great whether you’re standing or sitting.
Cross your arms. Stand there like you’re having a conversation with me or imagine yourself just standing on the corner waiting for a bus. You’d be surprised at how often people assume this pose throughout the day without even realizing it.
Hold a cup of coffee or any prop. Using a prop in a photo session provides a lot of opportunities for a great look even if the coffee cup isn’t in the shot. It gives you something to focus on and almost instantly relaxes you.